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ABC Serrano is located in one of Madrid’s most central zones. With more than 100 years old, this building has taken plenty of shapes, among them, the ABC headquarter, which was submerged in a 2 years reformation project, in order to renewing and adapting it to the modern times.
The architecture studio responsible for the renewal was L35 –one of the major references regarding to shopping malls-, which intention was not only to shelter forward-looking fashion locals and premium catering, but also to position ABC Serrano as a Madrilenian model. With this aim in mind, they inspired themselves in the commercial last tendencies from the main European capitals.
Additionally, they desired to represent the luxury and quality values that the consumer will find in the building interior. This is the reason why the edifice owners claimed that ‘its quality and sophisticated design is the differentiating aspect of the new ABC Serrano’, at the same time that L35’s general manager assured that ‘it must be an edifice in which the details, the affection, stands out’.
T22 Gold Pearl provides a distinguished appearance to the new ABC Serrano neuralgic axis, and combining it with the folding carried out by Indelac, it offers a velvety curtain effect. In consequence, the building core has an unique and singular nature, according to the architects and owners desire.

ABC Serrano
ABC Serrano
ABC Serrano
ABC Serrano
ABC Serrano

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